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Anesthesia anesthesia community event --- China Museum Grand Opening

Time:2016-05-11 Click:1614

Anesthesia anesthesia community event --- China Museum Grand Opening

  March 28, 2015, Chinese anesthesia museum grand opening, the Chinese Medical Association of Anesthesiology all Standing Committee attended the opening ceremony, the Standing Committee of Anesthesiology from more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese Museum of anesthesia Construction and Prospects lively discussion on the size of the exhibition hall and spoke highly of the quality of the collection. Chinese Medical Association of Anesthesiology chairman Professor Liu Jin, chairman emeritus professor Wu Xinmin, former chairman Professor Yu Buwei, chairman-elect Professor XIONG Guo-Sheng Wang, chairman of the same group of people together for a camel anesthesia China inaugurated the museum.

The museum is invested by China anesthesia camel Group built the first domestic medical specialty museum, with a total investment of 20 million yuan, covers an area of 1,500 square meters, has again opened. China Museum of anesthesia medicine is an important part of the museum, there are Chinese medicine museum narcotic Pavilion, China Medical Care Academia Historica and three branch libraries, cultural relics collection of more than 8000. Museum by collecting a large number of Chinese medicine cultural relics, aimed at rescue, excavation, collection, protection of Chinese medicine development process of historical evidence, is committed to the development of Chinese medicine and medical culture, communication, medical education platform and build China's medical industry communication platform. Compared with the vast Yuanshen medical culture, medical museum exhibitions just drop in the ocean, but the museum is completed, the reproduction history, classic conservation, Yao see next great feat.




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