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The first test-tube baby was born in London

Time:2016-02-18 Click:1537


The world's first IVF baby was born in July 25, 1978. This is a London couple Leslie - John Brown and her husband, children, baby weighs 5 pounds 12 ounces, is at the center of Oldham hospital by Caesarean section birth, she was named, called Louis, everything normal.

Since Mrs. Brown tubal defects can not be pregnant. Robert -G- Edward and Dr. Patrick Steptoe -C- are two so-called test-tube baby technology research pioneer. He surgically removed the egg from the ovary, on a plate on the sub-experiment combined with sperm, and embryos were implanted Rulaisili - Brown inside the womb, in utero fetal anal normal development.

Browns birth of a baby for Steptoe and Edwards is the first success. They have been researching this technology for 12 years and many failures, it is estimated that this approach can be used to help 1/5 to half of all infertile women become pregnant.




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