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Qinghai Medical Association of Anesthesiology

Time:2016-05-11 Click:1712


Qinghai Medical Association of Anesthesiology was established in January 1980, Qinghai Medical Association first to eighth Anesthesiology Luan took the chairman Cheung, Song Youcheng, Wangzu Qian, Yu Wenjun respectively. After fifty years of efforts, anesthesiologists and surgeons generations of hard work, it has formed a group of Lao Zhongqing combination of medical, research and teaching team. In recent years, with the increase in foreign exchange, especially in the strong support of the leadership of the Society, the Society for the rapid development, academic exchanges active, with remarkable results. It has for many years been rated as advanced Qinghai Medical Branch. Anesthesia prior disciplinary branch members 26 people, including three vice chairman, standing committee of nine people, one secretary.

Anesthesiology history will develop Qinghai Medical Association

August 1972, in Beijing Drum Tower Hospital of Qinghai Haixi help carry out open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, when in September 1980 Highland Heart Institute was established cerebrovascular disease, has completed nearly 300 cases of various types of heart surgery the hospital area at an altitude of over 3000 meters, alpine, such operations experience gaps in the world.

September 1980, the province's first anesthesia conference in Xining held anesthesiologists only 10 people during a meeting set up in Qinghai Anesthesiology, elected the first Society of Anesthesiologists Committee by Luan Xiang served as Director members, Wang Pei, Prince Benedict, Xiao Zhenrong served as vice chairman.

In August 1984 the second province in the anesthesia conference held in Xining City, Qinghai Province, the province's anesthesiologists total of more than 40 people, more than 20 people participated during the meeting elected the Qinghai Society of Anesthesiologists The Second Committee by Luan Xiang served as chairman , Wang Pei served as vice chairman.

June 1989 at the Third Conference of anesthesia province Xining, Qinghai Province was held during the meeting elected the Third Committee of Qinghai Society of Anesthesiologists by Luan Xiang served as chairman, Wang Pei, Song Youcheng served as vice chairman.

May 1993 Fourth province anesthesia conference in Xining held during the session elected the Fourth Committee of Qinghai Society of Anesthesiologists, the Song Youcheng served as chairman, Wang Zuqian, Kim served as vice chairman of the new club.

September 2001, the sixth province anesthesia conference in Xining held during the meeting elected the Qinghai Society of Anesthesiologists Sixth Committee, Wang Zuqian served as chairman, Jin Xinhui, Yu Wenjun as vice chairman.

In October 2008, the eighth province anesthesia conference held in Xining, Qinghai during the meeting elected the eighth Society of Anesthesiologists Committee, served as chairman Yu Wenjun, gold Xinhui, Jia Zhen and Liu Tang Chun served as vice chairman .

March 1984 under the auspices of chairman of Cheung Luan first to set up the emergency room with severe anesthesia and resuscitation, in a leading position to become the province's culture and severe medical aid base, to ensure the safety and quality of anesthesia plateau.

In October 1996 was held at Song Youcheng chairman, he presided over the five northwestern provinces Society of Anesthesiologists meeting, 200 participants, 120 received the manuscript.

It began in October 1998 in Qinghai Medical Association of Anesthesiology committee meeting decided to convene once every two years the province's Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting of the province's anesthesia, the implementation of the system so far.

In September 2000, Qinghai Medical create clinical anesthesia undergraduate classes, enrollment once every two years, is now the 8th, incubated for about 400 undergraduate anesthesia, Qinghai and the country delivery.

In 2002 the province to investigate the status quo anesthesiologist, anesthesiologists have increased significantly, the team grow, especially in terms of first aid and resuscitation, play an extremely important role. Most hospitals have an anesthesiology, anesthesia gradually into clinical anesthesia, intensive testing, first aid and resuscitation and pain therapy four majors. Anesthesia education significantly improved, changed in the past the majority of college graduates anesthesia workers and health care reform phenomenon. Anesthesia team is the high-tech, high-level and high-quality development.

In September 2005 the Chinese Medical Association chairman of Anesthesiology, Beijing Friendship Hospital anesthesiology professor Li Shuren organized several experts (Li Shuren, pull Yin Yang, En true science Bing, Hu Xiaoqin, Jiang Jianyu) lectures in Qinghai - west of the line anesthesia , this lecture, rich in content, many new progress anesthesia disciplines involved, the province benefited workers anesthesia, anesthesia for the development of the province has played a significant role in the cause.

September 2006 Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University postgraduate training set point, has trained graduate 3. In the same year, Yu Wenjun, vice chairman of the sponsor national continuing education of new technologies, new knowledge classes, held for four, and to the province's grassroots lectures, promoted the development of Qinghai anesthesia career.

In September 2008, "Chinese Medical Association anesthesia branch", "Chinese Society of Anesthesiologists Association", "China Education plateau anesthesia Educational Research" was held in Xining joint "China Anesthesiology Development Strategy Seminar" - the country's leading experts from anesthesia 350 in Xining discuss events anesthesia development.

October 2011 in Xining City, Qinghai Province, held eleven provinces in western China, the Yangtze River Basin and Qinghai Sixteenth Annual Conference anesthesia, received more than 600 papers, presented by Academician Wu, a General Assembly, the current Chairman Commission chairman Liu Jin Hou XIONG any more than 40 well-known domestic experts to lectures, participants thousand, by the Department of health and Society leadership at home, increasing the influence of Qinghai Province in China, lifting Qinghai in China academic status.

September 2012 was held in Qinghai, Taiwan strait anesthesia Symposium, Qinghai anesthesia Annual Conference and CME continuing education classes, invite Taiwan anesthesia expert six (Edmund, Hong Fu of yellow Knorr, Huangbu Min, Xu Runing Zheng Garson) to me Province academic exchanges, the participants who benefited from anesthesia, anesthesia deepened Qinghai and Taiwan worker contact and friendship.

  In the same year, Qinghai Province anesthesia quality control center set up by the Qinghai Red Cross Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology charge of the work, any chief physician Wang Xuejun, director of quality control center.


The first list of the members:

Chairman: Luan Chengxiang

Vice chairman of the Wang Pei Wang from Benedict

Members: Zhang Yongxiao, high Ruiqin, Zhang Fenglin, Zhu Pei Cai, Ma Chongli, Li Yuxin, Wangding Hui, Wu Chunlan.

Secretary: Liu Jie

Second list of the members:

Chairman: Luan Chengxiang

Vice chairman of the Wang Pei

Members: Wang from Benedict, Zhu Pei Cai, Li Yuxin, Wu Chunlan, Xiao Zhenrong, Lu Ye Wang, Zhao Taisheng.

Secretary: Song Youcheng

The third member of the list:

Chairman: Luan Chengxiang

Vice chairman of the Wang Pei, Song Youcheng (concurrently)

Members: Wang from Benedict, Zhu Pei Cai, Li Yuxin, Wu Chunlan, Xiao Zhenrong, Wangzu Qian, Zhao Taisheng.

Secretary: Song Youcheng

The fourth and fifth members of the list:

Chairman: Song Youcheng

Vice chairman: Wang Pei, Wang Zuqian

Members: Lin Menglan, Liuzhi Kai, Lu Ye Wang, from Marin, Zhang Lanfang, Qinglin, high Ruiqin, Renpei Ling.

Secretary: Yu Wenjun

Sixth membership list:

Chairman: Wang Zuqian

Vice Chairman: Yu Wenjun, gold Xinhui

Members: Lin Menglan, Lijian Ting, Lu Ye Wang, from Marin, Zhang Lanfang, Liu Tang Chun, Sui Zhang Qing, Ren Peiling.

Secretary: Yu Wenjun (concurrently)

Seventh membership list:

Chairman: Wang Zuqian

Vice Chairman: Yu Wenjun, gold Xinhui

Members: Zhang Zhiqing, Lin Menglan, Lijian Ting, Zhao Shijun, from Marin, Zhang Lanfang, Liu Tang Chun, Sui Zhang Qing, Renpei Ling, Shi Bin.

Secretary: Jia Zhen

Eighth list of the members:

Chairman: Yu Wenjun

Vice chairman: Kim Xinhui, Jia Zhen, Liu Tang Chun

Members: Dong Yongping, Lijian Ting, Li will be nine, Zhao Shijun, Li Zhijun, Wang Xuejun, Wang,

Quqing Ling, Zhang Zhiqing, Cuinai Rong, Fu Jian science, Shi Bin, Wang, pregnant with the beginning of spring, Duan Lin Bao, Shi Wei deposit,

Joe Green, Yaoze Yu, Wei Qing.

Secretary: Wang




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